By David Scott Kipers

More Better Sleep

My grammatically correct family would have a fit over that one. Scott, you can’t use the phrase “more better”; if something is better, it is better. It is simply a comparison of quality, not a scale. It is the same thought process as the fact that my younger brother is older than I am. But, that is exactly what we are going to investigate. I want to have more sleep. I want to have better sleep. I want to have more better sleep.

Sleep is arguably the most important thing you can do to build and retain body health. It is the regenerative state and allows both body and mind to repair the damage and wear from the day’s activity. Because of its importance, I am going to use as a theme over the nest several posts. So sit back, relax and try to stay awake while we discuss that blissful state of more and better sleep.

Today, I want to recap a list of five things you can do immediately to improve both quality and quantity of your slumber. This list has been suggested by a nationally known sleep expert, Dr. Michael Breus. Two reasons for this. One, you can sleep better tonight and two, it is a cheat to get this post written. Kaizen. You may have noted an absence of posts for the last several weeks. I fell off the wagon, and became that famous quote of of physics, “a body at rest tends to stay at rest.” This small step will allow us to build momentum and become that other body in physics, “a body in motion.” Enough, let’s move on to rest….

Five steps to improve sleep

Stick to one schedule

Wake up at the same time every day, no matter when you went to bed. Your body loves consistency and sleep rhythm is no different. By getting up the same time every day, you begin to build the routine and need for sleep at the same time every night. Regular sleep is better sleep. There are a number of apps that will help remind you to start winding down your day. Remember, it all starts with waking up the same time every weekday and every weekend day.

Don’t drink caffeine after two

Caffeine has a half-life of between five and six hours, so you want to allow time to eliminate the impact. Even if you believe you can fall asleep after a cup of coffee, you typically will stay in stage one or two of sleep and not get the quality REM sleep your mind needs to process and regenerate.

No alcohol for three hours prior to bed

The body processes one drink in one hour. While some studies indicate one or two glasses of wine can improve sleep, anything more will detract from quality sleep, again that stage three and four physically restorative sleep. This is one of the causes of hangovers as  even though your body may be passed out, it is not the deep healthy sleep you need.

Stop exercise four hours before bedtime

Exercise is great for making us tired and ultimately ready for sleep and sleep is when you get the real benefits of exercise in the rebuilding of body and mind that makes us stronger. But, we all know the heightened metabolism of exercise stays with us long after we are done with the workout. By allowing time for the body systems to slow down and cool down, sleep is improved. You rest more completely when your core temperature is less than a wakeful state and exercise elevates that core. This is also why sleep is improved in a cooler bedroom temperature.

Wake up and spend 5 to 15 minutes in the sun

In the hunter-gatherer environment, we all woke up with the sun and began our day of hunting and gathering. Even the most dedicated “night owls” among us developed this family trait within the last couple centuries, which is nothing compared to the ancestral pull that the sun has on our animal brain developed over millennia. Just like a set schedule, having the sun start your circadian rhythm will build the routine of going to sleep at a set time. This will also shut down the manufacture of melatonin in the brain and cuts through the fog. Just stand by a window and your eyes have special receptors that react and shut down the sleep cycle. This starts the day better and will lead to a better shut down at the end and blissful slumber.

There you have it, a simple to remember and follow set of steps that you can do now and sleep more better tonight. It even has a memory trick in it so you didn’t even have to take any notes. Over the next several posts, we will talk more about some details to improve the quality of your sleepy time and work on how much a body actually needs. A lack of sleep is not something you have to take lying down, you can take action to have more better sleep.

HOW: I hope everyone is walking and eating an apple everyday. Double points if you can do it at the same time.  😉

Five steps to begin on a healthy diet lifestyle

Eating healthier doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are five simple ways to incorporate healthier eating habits into your lifestyle:

  1. Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables: Make it a goal to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your meals. Aim to fill at least half of your plate with these colorful and nutrient-rich foods. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber while keeping you feeling satisfied.
  2. Choose Whole Foods: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. Whole foods such as whole grains, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and legumes are more nutritious than their processed counterparts. They are typically lower in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives.
  3. Reduce Added Sugar Intake: Keep an eye on your consumption of added sugars, which can be found in various processed foods and beverages. Read food labels and choose products with minimal added sugars. Swap sugary drinks for water, herbal tea, or infused water for a healthier alternative.
  4. Practice Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls to trick your mind into feeling satisfied with smaller portions. Be mindful of hunger and fullness cues to avoid unnecessary snacking or eating beyond your body’s needs.
  5. Cook at Home More Often: Cooking meals at home gives you control over the ingredients and cooking methods. It allows you to choose healthier options, control portion sizes, and avoid excessive sodium and unhealthy fats often found in restaurant meals. Experiment with simple, nutritious recipes that you enjoy.

Remember, small changes over time can lead to significant improvements in your overall eating habits. Start with these simple steps, and gradually incorporate more healthy choices into your diet.

Embracing the Healthier Side of Wine: Exploring Alcohol-Free Alternatives

June 8, 2023

For wine enthusiasts seeking a healthier lifestyle without compromising on taste, alcohol-free wine offers an enticing solution. With its reduced or zero alcohol content, alcohol-free wine allows you to indulge in the flavors, aromas, and complexity of wine without the potential drawbacks. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the health benefits of alcohol-free wine, exploring why it’s gaining popularity among wine lovers who value their well-being.

  1. Antioxidant Goodness:
    Alcohol-free wine retains the antioxidant properties found in grapes, which are known for their health benefits. Antioxidants, such as polyphenols, can help protect against oxidative stress, inflammation, and certain chronic diseases. By opting for alcohol-free wine, you can still enjoy these antioxidant benefits without the alcohol content.
  2. Heart Health:
    Moderate wine consumption has been associated with potential cardiovascular benefits. Alcohol-free wine provides an alternative for individuals who want to prioritize heart health without consuming alcohol. The grape-derived antioxidants, including resveratrol, may contribute to maintaining a healthy heart and supporting cardiovascular function.
  3. Lower Calorie Option:
    Alcohol is calorie-dense, contributing to the overall caloric content of traditional wine. By choosing alcohol-free wine, you reduce the calorie intake associated with alcohol consumption. This makes it a favorable choice for those watching their calorie intake or looking to manage their weight without sacrificing their wine enjoyment.
  4. Enhanced Hydration:
    Alcohol is known to have a diuretic effect, causing increased urine production and potential dehydration. In contrast, alcohol-free wine helps promote hydration due to its absence of alcohol. It can be a refreshing and hydrating choice, especially during social occasions or hot weather, where maintaining proper hydration is important.
  5. Versatile for Various Lifestyles:
    Alcohol-free wine caters to a wide range of lifestyles. Whether you’re a designated driver, pregnant or nursing, avoiding alcohol for personal or religious reasons, or simply looking for a non-alcoholic option, alcohol-free wine allows you to participate in social settings and enjoy the taste of wine without the alcohol content.
  6. Expanding Market and Quality:
    As the demand for alcohol-free beverages grows, so does the quality and variety of alcohol-free wines. Winemakers are focusing on producing alcohol-free alternatives that mirror the taste profiles of their traditional counterparts. This means you can find alcohol-free options in various styles, from reds to whites, and even sparkling wines, ensuring there’s something to suit every palate.

Alcohol-free wine offers a gateway to enjoying the rich and nuanced world of wine without the effects of alcohol. With its health benefits, including antioxidant properties, potential heart health advantages, lower calorie content, and hydration benefits, alcohol-free wine is gaining recognition among those who prioritize their well-being. It provides a versatile and enjoyable alternative for individuals with diverse lifestyles. So, whether you’re looking to reduce your alcohol intake, embrace a healthier lifestyle, or simply explore new flavors, raise a glass of alcohol-free wine and toast to a vibrant, well-balanced, and alcohol-conscious life.

Remember to always drink responsibly and consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific health concerns or questions related to alcohol consumption. Cheers to your health and the joy of savoring wine in a way that aligns with your lifestyle!

#AlcoholFreeWine #HealthierLifestyle #WineEnthusiast #CheersToGoodHealth